Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,109    [ Give / Take ]


23 entries this month

22:26 Feb 28 2013
Times Read: 1,006

Sure signs the Rat is sick-

Heat is on 76 and has a blanket covering thick PJ's and two sweaters.

And still cold.


Time to go bury myself in bed, under the blankets, cover my head. I swear I want a sleeping hat/cap. My head has been cold for two days now. Maybe a hot towel out of the dryer... MMMmmmm.. that sounds like haven.



23:27 Feb 28 2013

Bless your heart....are you sick again?

02:24 Mar 01 2013

Well wishes sweetie .. x


17:59 Feb 27 2013
Times Read: 820

Got a rental empty. Yeah.. time to start showing, dealing with folks, listening to the bitch about how 'tuff' we are on the application, and the place needs some 'work' as god knows folks like to bitch.


Did I also tell ya I woke up with a cold throat? Yeah...

It just keeps getting better.



22:42 Feb 28 2013



15:31 Feb 24 2013
Times Read: 842

I am giving myself the day off. :) 3 movies, some TV shows to catch up on, and my couch.

Other then two loads of laundry, making my bed back up with the fresh linens, fill my meds up for the month, and cooking a meal and cleaning up after that' kind of day off.


That is a day off. Only way I don't do nothing is when I am ill. Then you can't get me to do anything. lol

And I have my ducky PJ's on. :D



15:50 Feb 24 2013

ME TOO! I'm totally rocking my ducky pj's too! :D

And I'm having book, movie, yoga day :D See you really are my sister ;)

21:53 Feb 24 2013

I did most of that stuff on Firday...today, it's all about kickin' back and watching the Oscars tonight!

17:41 Feb 25 2013

See, that's what I wanted to do- just have back to back days off so I could get caught up on everything at the house AND have a bonafide day off.

So when we were done with the Oscar party last night at work, I asked Melissa if it were possible for her to take my shift today. She wrinkled her nose, looked at me, and what did I get?

"Um, no."

Then this morning I have fielded email after email of her apologizing and offering to take my shift. Sorry, no. I'm already up, which would negate the pleasure of SLEEPING IN.


16:13 Feb 23 2013
Times Read: 858

Walmart was hit a 7:10 am. Spent a hour. Don't even ask what I spent- but not that bad really. Got all I needed to get some cleaning done, got the ref in order. Really- it was over two hours but clean and done.

Walmart wasn't busy, even didn't have to wait in line. But I will tell ya finding shit in that store... sucks. I know it is just me not knowing the place but ... damn if you check off the list and the few items you forgot are on one end of the store to another. Grrrrr... Sorry but Dollar General stores are so much easier. And will I agree Walmart is cheaper then a store like.. Kroger- I don't think they are any more cheaper then the Dollar General store. Yes, more of a selection but for that I can do a trip or two a year. Everyday shopping at Walmart... HELL NO.

I also got vegs to make a veg tray at Birdy's dinner she is holding tonight for her family. :) I got a invite.. yeah! Been a long time since I have seen her parents, family.

So it is a break for me then I am back at it with the normal housework. Got some dishes to wash, and some counters to wipe down. Only big job I didn't get done was mopping the floors. Think I will break them up into two Saturdays extra steps to my cleaning.

On other news- got 4 days booked at work next week. Let's hope they stay/ hold.

And sis sent me down a newspaper article about a photo contest. Redbud trees come out in March here and it is all about them. You take photos of them, send them in, and the top three get awards. I think the top one gets used as a photo cover on a Kentucky travel mag.

And I got a old hospital I want to get to if the owner will still let me in. He agree to it but then weather went cold/bad so we both said "Let's wait a few months." I am ready, if he is. But that is a weekend trip as I know several other places in the area I want to try out. And I got a old high school that has been closed for ten years if I can find the owner, see if I can get in.

So that means some work getting it all set up, but see a night away for this trip as fuel cost as much as a hotel would for the trip.

So proud of all I have gotten down at home this week since I had the time, engry.

OHOHOHOH... guess what I found? Lindt chocolate bunnies. Not just milk chocolate but white chocolate. Mmmm. One will be my treat once I get all my house work done.



16:43 Feb 23 2013

Is there even a time called '7.10'?!!

..okay, worth if for the chocs ... I guess!!


23:32 Feb 22 2013
Times Read: 866

Got a lot of the house work done, the heavy cleaning at least, this week. Pantry and kitchen shelfs done, bedroom was worked on, new shower curtain hung, and shower is clean and sorted, and just little things done. Filled two trash cans with junk.

Last big thing I want to do is the ref. I need some things to get before I pull all the food out, and clean, organize it.

Which leads me to the horror.. I need to go... to go.. to .... WALMART!.


Thinking since I am sure to be in bed early tonight since I got little sleep last night- I might hit it around 7:00 am or so.

I can do this! I am a grown woman and the crowds will be low, might even get in a check out line that doesn't have 8 people in front of me.

Wish me luck! If you don't hear from me... *whispers*.. ... send help. Or bail money. ;)



05:18 Feb 24 2013

The last time I went to Walmart, I ended up in 5 different lines, only to be told that the debit/credit card machines were ALL down. Suggested I use the in store ATM, which wanted to charge my $1.40 to get my own money out of my account, in a store where I shouldn't HAVE to get money out to pay for things.

Walmart is hell.


14:11 Feb 22 2013
Times Read: 902

You know- it is nice to run into a nice member here when you make a honest mistake. They see your point, hear you out, then are willing to say "Wait- you have it wrong. This is what ..." And when I admit I made the mistake, and I was sorry they don't get all "Power hunger much?" or "Listen- you can go fuck yourself ..." or think it is a "They are out to get me is all." crap.

I am human, I make mistakes.

Most jump on that tho, never thinking of the times I am right. What they don't even see me doing behind the VR playground screen.

But then you run into one like this morning who was calm, and understood I made a mistake. All was restored with a few messages, a click on my end of a link... and all was good in both our lifes.

I usually make about 5 or so mistakes a year so if you are one of those- just stay calm and we will strighten it out. :)



14:30 Feb 22 2013

I agree, it's refreshing when someone doesn't jump to conclusions over ones actions, when they take the time to converse one on one as an adult and listen to that persons reasoning then all becomes clear.

A rare trait indeed.

14:42 Feb 22 2013

Well I think you're pretty amazing in what you do for us. So I thank you and your staff. You're only human.~giggles~

17:18 Feb 22 2013

if more could be like this member, it'd be perfect.

19:47 Feb 22 2013

A member like that is the Holy Grail 'round these parts. Some just listen to the ranting and ravings of other members who've claimed that they've been wronged and the man is trying to keep them down.

It is nice to speak to a member who can think about it, and get that sometimes mistakes are made. A big Kudos to them.. and to you for not being a power trippy douchebag. hahaha

You know I ain't got nothing but love for mah Rattie. ;)


12:33 Feb 22 2013
Times Read: 904

Well last night and this morning didn't go as plan. Sleepy as the night before I couldn't sleep so I went to bed just before 9:00pm. Read a book for a hour, turned off my light at 10:00 and went to sleep. But must of not been for long as the phone jerked me away. It was 10:23 pm.

Thursday night- care to take a guess? Yeap- movie run. Pick up at 11:00pm. So I grab clothes, throwing them on, drove to the office, printed off the work order and to the local movie place I went. Only to sit and wait. 11:15 found me driving home to bed by 11:45 or so... clock set for a 3:00 am wake up.

12:30 still found me awake. Finally went to sleep only to wake myself thinking I had overslept- that was about 2:10am.

3:00 found me slapping the shit out of my alarm, shower, dress, grab chocolate in case I needed it, and a soda.

4:15 found me driving on ice. Yeah!

4:45 found me at the airport waiting for the 5:00 am opening of Delta Air Freight and singing along to Dude Looks Like a Lady.

5:15 had me waiting for the said men to finish with his "routine" of coffee making, waiting for a cup, etc. Then it was bing bing bing as he IM someone on his computer as he drunk said coffee. Mind you- they opened at 5:00am. Took me asking "Are you ready yet, are you all comfy to start his day? I need to get going."

Lord dude- some of us have day jobs to get to. And if you need 20 mins to prep for work, maybe you should come in 20 mins early?

Back in the car, ice steps at Delta tricky as hell. Almost went back to say he might want to salt those steel stairs covered in ice but... nah, let them get sued.

Drove home thinking pecan waffles. Waffle House was calling and I was going to treat myself. Thinking I could call Cat, see if she was up to a 6:25 meet up, but she is gone. Smiled as I daydreamed the call to Birdy.

"Hello. What? Huh? Where are you? What time is it? *sure this would be said with a 'tone' as she would be awake by now to see it was still dark outside.*

Then my mind wonder if she would say,,,



"Bitch..." CLICK

as she hung up the phone on me. LOL

So to Waffle House I went myself, had some great food.

And at work at 7:10 am. We don't start today, and yes we have a JOB today!! WOOOT WOOOT!

But we don't start till 8:00 am so...

Yeap, that night of sleep sure the heck didn't happen. :)



23:20 Feb 22 2013

That would be....Hello? (groggily said)...

Rat - Good morning Birdy....

Me - What's wrong? Why are you calling so early?

Rat- Want to meet me for breakfast?

Me - At this HOUR?? Uh.....not unless something is BAD wrong.....I have to get up at 8 to be on the road at 9...so....(looks at clock) that is another 45 min of sleep....bye....Click

Rat...well...that bitch she hung up on me......

Grins......DINNER all about Dinner....not breakfast.


In a way- I can see this as me. If I was a killer, that is. ;)

19:58 Feb 21 2013
Times Read: 924

Which serial killer are you most like?

The Zodiac Killer

You two are so much alike, maybe you can tell us who this guy is. It's been decades since anyone heard anything from him. It`s not really you is it?


Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.



20:06 Feb 21 2013

Careful, that case history has not been solved as yet! lol

21:19 Feb 21 2013

I got the The Hillside Stranglers for mine

01:07 Feb 22 2013

You'd hate California...lol


00:28 Feb 21 2013
Times Read: 942

Long day but full of action. Aunt came down from Ohio, got to spend a few hours with. Shopping at a few stores, worked a little more on taxes. Remember how the last two days jobs cancel? Well guess what?? Yeap- no work in the morning either. *sigh*

I came home and went to work on the kitchen cabinets some- got a lot straighten out. Threw away some old food, like....2001 bottles of dressing, etc. This has been needed done for years, just took the time to do it while Cat and her family is gone this week.

I also tried to put up the shower caddy pole type things- sending those things back. Really- who the hell designs these things? After a hour of putting the thing together I realized it wasn't going to fit my tub. Grrrrrr....

But the tub is clean, took a home made cleaner to it with a hard brush to remove the old caulking that went black. Stripe that crap off, reason I am trying to find a way to keep the bottles up and not sitting in water to keep the mold/ gump gone.

Left is the kitchen cabinets that have my pots/pan. Got new liner to put down, sort and narrow how many I have down. Then under the kitchen sink, and the glassware/ plates. Thinking I might try and do that tomorrow night, if I don't have to work. If not it is a Saturday job. Still got the ref to clean out and throw old bottled stuff out.

Other then that it is mopping.

Break for a few weeks then when the weather gets better I want to clean my porches off and get ready to spend some time outside grilling/ cooking on a open fire. :)



04:26 Feb 21 2013

Didja get to go to Walmart.......lol

14:24 Feb 21 2013


I can't wait for spring either. Another inch of snow overnight. I'm tired of being the only one who seems to know how to shovel here :(

19:41 Feb 21 2013

I keep telling you guys...SEND IT TO ME. I love to shovel snow, and play in it, and squeaky walk in it, etc.

I got in the car to go to work yesterday, and little bits of gritty stuff were landing on my car, but it didn't last. Looks like I'm doomed ot an early spring...


00:59 Feb 20 2013
Times Read: 957

Helped sis with a few hours of housework after checking the kittens for Cat's family as they are gone on vaction.

So I am going to bed early. :)

Long day, cold in the house, and just feel like a "snuggle in to read a book" kind of night.

My Aunt, only family left on my mother's side, is coming down from Ohio for a visit in the morning. :D

Be good to see her, visit with her and her son.




20:32 Feb 19 2013
Times Read: 971

Spent the day working on the taxes. I am use to doing over 3000 checks a year, not including payroll. We are down to less then 1000.

While that would be great if the deposits stayed the same, but those are way down too.

Almost got all the part that I have to do before the CPA gets them. Our family/business are so mixed in together I am about the only one that can keep them stright. "Why yes- I did get that money out of that account but it went into this account to pay for a new roof. I paid it back after taking out the money it owed me for supplies from Lowes that went into the warehouse." kind of thing.

Let's just say if I die a sudden death- it is a good thing my will gives it all to my two sisters. They can fight it out on who, what and where. lol

Doesn't matter till you put my older sister into the mix. I remind myself that each time I take the time to make notes on checks, loans, balances. It is there if they look, see what I was doing. More on my own since my father passed away, trying to keep track. He use to come in and say "I got a deal on some equipment- I need 3000.00 cash." and I would pull it out of this other account, and I would know I had to pay it back. He would ask me about a month later even "Did you put that money back?"

I miss him. I miss my sister at work. Kind of silent with no one around most days. Not even a busy phone... *sigh*

No work this week. Came to work with a full week booked Monday to only have today and Wen one jobs cancel. Sucks. Means the guys are going to have less then 20/ 15 hours again this week.

Really hope that changes soon. I can live with no pay due to my parents work, my own work, and not living where I have to pay rent. But still my own belt was tighten a couple of years ago when I stop paying myself to keep the doors open.

But it is that time of the year. Most folks don't move in winter, always a slow time. Just wish the spring rush would start already.

Since I am not working this week with little man - I think it is time to get out of here, rest my eyes some, and enjoy the rest of the day without any numbers in my head. :)




14:09 Feb 19 2013
Times Read: 988

Today is taxes work day. I need to do totals, then move on to deposits. Then work on the intrest stuff....

Wish I drunk coffee. Just need a jolt and the diet pepsi isn't doing it.

And my G is sticking on my keyboard.


Ok- need to et started.




14:16 Feb 19 2013

It's that word 'taxes', everything gets sticky around that!!

14:28 Feb 19 2013

Haha, your G made me smile...I needed that. Good luck with the taxes...and your sticky G haha. My cat stole my F12 if that makes you feel any better, good thing I don't even know what F12 would do if I still had one.

14:35 Feb 19 2013

Talk about finding the ultimate "G Spot".... just sayin'


17:03 Feb 19 2013

Hahaha.... didn't think of that Doe. Of course- you did. ;)


19:02 Feb 19 2013

Yuck, poor thing I don't envy you. Try some strong tea :)


15:40 Feb 18 2013
Times Read: 1,024

The Walking Dead just keeps getting better and better. I mean- DAMN!

And can I just say Daryl arms are just freaking sexy, best part of the show. He has that weakness for family, his history of abuse, and the killing down packed. True hero of the show to me.

One who is pissing me off is Maggie of late. So- the dude made you take your shirt/ bra off. He pushed you around a little, threaten you. He didn't rape you. And of all the things you have had to do, seen to live- That is going to be the one thing to trip you up? Screw that. I would of been taking that anger and plot to killer the Mother Fucker, not hidding in a dark cell, laying in bed doing nothing. Hell- Glen was right to be angry, so should you.

And Rick... poor Rick. Can't blame him tho, losing his wife in childbirth. All the stress of leading. If anyone has a reason to hide in a bed, cover his head it is him.

Be good to see what happens after this attack on the prison by the governor.



17:26 Feb 18 2013

ooh i agree, this weeks was awesome.

Also i have a thing for arms, well biceps, and Daryls just make me weak lol. Gorgeous!!!

19:01 Feb 18 2013

Hahaha! You sound just like me last night, I virtually had the same words coming out of my mouth. Too funny. And there is something about Daryl ;) Love, love that show :D

01:34 Feb 19 2013

Daryl is an awesome character..one welcomed addition that isn't from the actual comic book the show is done from. He is showing a soft side for family, and seems even Meryl almost broke down a bit when the thought of being left alone was there.

Maggie is being weird, but I think the assumption is she did get raped, they just didn't show it..and that's whats causing the tension between her and Glen.

Glen is evolving into a bigger guy then the older errand runner he was. But Hershel is right going in there by himself wouldn't have worked he'd just have got caught and killed.

Rick is walking a fine line and I am kinda expecting him to snap and maybe end up hurting someone in the group which will cause bigger issues for them, but he was definitely looking pretty pissed and evil at the end looking at there work being messed up by the Governor


21:14 Feb 16 2013
Times Read: 1,038

Seeing as I will have some free time this week in the afternoon/evenings- I made a list of things around the house that need done.

22 items.


I did 5 of them today, going to work on 3 more as they are online things.

Still to go- kitchen cabinets cleaned out, stove, over cleaned, ref food thrown outdated things and clean. Mop both baths, kitchen and front doorway area.

Putting off painting till spring time, thank god.

Sunday is going to be my lazy day tho. Unless I want to get the mopping done, and I mean mopping as in on my knees with a scrub brush. Might do the two small bathroom, front door area. See how I feel after vac/ dusting goes.

I just know today is done for me. and the two hours work today got 150.00 for. Yeah!

Chicken going in to BBQ in the dutch oven, mac and cheese is in order to serve with, seems to be what I am craving. Then two movies to watch before bed.

And still have those chocolate dip strawberries I made myself last night for Valentines day. :D




16:17 Feb 16 2013
Times Read: 1,047

Been a long two days. Came home Thursday night to laundry, some housework as far as putting up the Yule decorations. Took the tree down I usually keep up all year too, opens up that little corner of the living room.

I then went to work on a run, up till after 2:00 am. Sleeping in the car..brrrrrr... and up before 7:00 am as I had to pee. lol Read a book, waiting for the man to show at 9:00am for the delivery. He was a hour early so I got home around noon Friday. To make a few phone calls, do some paperwork that had shown up that needed done "That day!". *rolls eyes*

Then I came home thinking nap time- and couldn't sleep. So I played online, finally shut my mind/body down around 9:30pm to only wake up a few hours later. But a hour online and back to sleep I went. Till 10:45 when the alarm went off.

Why the alarm? Work. I have to be in a few towns away to make a estimate at 2:00pm. Getting paid a nice penny so... off I go. Stop by Cat's to feed and take the cat's business out. Then tonight it is about some housework. I swear I could of slept a few more hours. :) Hope it is to bed early for me.



17:32 Feb 18 2013

Maybe you would have been better off going with Cat to Florida....sounds like you need a vacation.


16:19 Feb 14 2013
Times Read: 1,077

Valentines Day. Always makes me want to buy myself some flowers. Is that sad? Not really. I know I am loved by those I hold dear to me, lucky person for those in my life.

Do I have that 'special someone' that songs, books are written about? No. Of course I think the magical 'love, soul mate' is about as real as the sparkle vampires in movies.

While I like the dream- the harsh light of life shows me a different view. While I like to see, read the dream of true love, I know it is not true.

So why the flowers? I guess it is a way to tell myself I mean something. Sort of a "Hey- today is about love, why not give yourself something that makes you happy, a treat to yourself?"

And I need to get my Mom, Sis and brother something too. Not flowers but something nice.

So Happy Valentines folks. And treat yourself to something today, even if it is a hot bath or the time to yourself to do what you like.



16:39 Feb 14 2013

I like to buy myself a $10 bouquet from the grocery store once in a while :)

17:00 Feb 14 2013

That is what I do too- Krogers. Just something to put on my table to look at, enjoy.

18:05 Feb 14 2013

I bought myself stuff from the bakery :)


14:15 Feb 12 2013
Times Read: 1,154

You know- if you dislike the Admins on this site, fine.

If you disk us in journals- calling us liers, cheats.. well you can because Cancer let's you.

Just as he let's us make comments on the journals you attack us with. Cancer let's us do that.

But when you delete the comments, saying a basic 'fuck you- I am making my point, say out of it" as you call us names... well that is when you cross the line.

Line of being blocked, of the next time *And trust me - with you there is always a next time* you come to an Admin for help is when that very journal will get thrown back into your face. In fact I think I will copy paste it, send it back to you and say "Really? Why would you ask us for help when we are JUST this bad?"

"You have reached the auto message center for Master Vampire/ Admin VampireWitch39. She is busy reworking the codes, faking reports to attack one certain member on the website of thousands. As this is you reporting the issue you are having on the site- please note any message will be deleted as you think of her as a cheat/ lier/ and only on the site to get her ass kissed by those who are weak and will not stand up to her, as she is so into that. In other words- you made the bed, lay in it. Her give a damn if busted when it come to you. Please don't leave a message after the beep..... BEEP!"

And don't leave a message because you know I delete any that don't agree with me in my journal. Not! What a child. If they don't agree with you- then they are wrong. Fine- If you are going to act like a child, you will be treated like one. Some will use blocks, just because we are so done dealing with you and Cancer let's us. Others, like myself, will wait... ready for your next whinney ass complaint... then smile as they answer you with a comment I am sure will make the journals. :)



14:49 Feb 12 2013

Admit it, you like my whiny ass complaints. ;P

15:35 Feb 12 2013

:) I believe I had previously mentioned to one of "you" as to what you are dealing with. :)

17:19 Feb 12 2013

BRAVO! Excellent entry! >:D

17:44 Feb 12 2013

You're sexy when you're angry! ;)

19:26 Feb 12 2013


04:49 Feb 14 2013

(speaking as a fallen admin)

To quote from the Book of Vampire Rave, Chapter 7, Verse 6:

And Cancer spake unto the masses, saying, If you act like a child you will be treated like a child.

... here endith the lesson.

04:57 Feb 14 2013

Correction on my love's post. It's Chapter 7 (Message Center), Verse 4 (Blocking)

04:59 Feb 14 2013

I suppose it could be Book 7, Chapter 4, Verse 6


13:50 Feb 12 2013
Times Read: 1,155

Been a long weekend/ week so far. Worked Sunday, but took the time to take a few photos of a old barn on a dairy farm. Had to wait for the sun to come up, sitting in the car, but hey- was at work since 3:30am that morning so.. :)

Threw off my sleep tho so Monday woke up early to only sit in the office, not doing much. Got my car fixed and shelled out $800.00. Yeah me- Not.

Got told why the engine light was on for the ..converter that would cost me another 1,000.00 when it finally gives out.


But the car is 10 years old so... going to take some repair. Just hitting me all at once. New Battery, new tires, wheel barings, brake pads, and now that.

Speaking of money- today finds me going to the eye dr. for a check up. Not had one in 4 years and noticed the last DOT testing my eyes was really getting bad. So.... new glasses I am sure will be on the plate of things to buy.



17:34 Feb 12 2013

Me too. I went to the Dr in October. Still saving for some glasses. :-/


12:53 Feb 07 2013
Times Read: 1,202

I wish today was Friday.

No, wait- I wish today was Friday where I didn't have to work all night into this morning.

Yeah- that is it.

Hell- I just wish I was still sleeping.



14:59 Feb 07 2013

I hope you get some sleep later

15:44 Feb 07 2013


20:10 Feb 07 2013

Sorry I kept you up....

23:53 Feb 07 2013

Friday is nearly here now.. So you can start the chill out motor :)


01:47 Feb 06 2013
Times Read: 1,243

Came home to no internet. Really pissed me off so I am thinking- it is after 8:00pm, I got some TV shows to watch *Go Face Off!* so..

But I grab the cell and call the cable company.

You know how this ends- after ten minutes of pushing buttons, explain what the problem is, prove that you are who you are.. the damn thing comes back up.


Now I am to peeved to sit and use the fucking thing.

Time for bed.



02:29 Feb 06 2013

*chuckling* My poor rat...LMAO


17:45 Feb 05 2013
Times Read: 1,295

“And let the hounds of hell be unleashed!!” is your battle cry.

Rat sits on the bench in the VR playground, eating her tuna sandwich, waiting.

She looks left and right, seeing the usually folks, waves at one or two.

Sees the normal everyday actions of the playground.

Waiting, still.

And still.

She picks the bread out of her teeth, making funny noises as she rubs her teeth with her tongue, as she looks at you.

“Well- that was nice. Shows just how fucking stupid online threats are. So… later.”

Goes back to her work, leaving the big bad to play with his toys.



19:17 Feb 05 2013

I wish the bell would sound and they'd go back into class so I can play on the swings .... someone wanna push me?!!

21:10 Feb 05 2013

I will give ya a shove.. I mean a push Blood.


11:23 Feb 06 2013

"Weeeeeeee", you're so kind!

Now comes the bedtime story ;-p


23:17 Feb 03 2013
Times Read: 1,449

You cheat at levels, you cheat at giving honor. Like Cancer said- if anyone can find a way to cheat it would be you.

I myself hope the Mark of Shame is used.

*shakes head*

But you play the "I didn't do it" card like the last time. Sure some here will fall for it.



23:30 Feb 03 2013

Sadly, it's not surprising in the least. And now she's "leaving." Yeah, right. Cheaters never prosper, they always get what's due them in the end. Maybe now some people will open their eyes and see her for what she really is.

23:59 Feb 03 2013

What is really funny why people do that?This is site for meeting people and maybe become good friends lvl is not that inportant or honor.Hell i have over 34.000 honors but that means nothing it wont help me to lvl up.And about lvl i kinda agree with that is not fair that i must rate millions profile to get 116 lvl (and i have sire mark what means i am 111 lvl without mark) two years and someone cheet and get lvl without ratings.No is not fair at all.

00:02 Feb 04 2013

That's what astounds me here. Level is too important to some on here. I could still be working on my first Sire and I wouldn't care honestly, I just happened to be REALLY active since '08. *smh*

00:15 Feb 04 2013

Robin might have broken the rules. Which if she did the administrators will know and it should be handled by them.

Robin aside, what puzzles me is what everyone else has to do with this. People in these journal comments for example.

Bored much? Something else? Stop escalating the issue by being instigators and other things.

This is to no one in particular. I have friends in this journal and I hope this comment can be taken constructively.

00:22 Feb 04 2013

Cheaters is the point. While levels mean nothing to some, me for one, it still it something you give an effort into.

Like me paying taxes each payday, to see someone cheating and lying to draw a SSI check.

The point is she cheats. She lies. And I am not talking little cheat like "Oh, I didn't know hitting the backspace button is cheating." This is way way way more then that. She knows what she did, she set out to cheat.

00:26 Feb 04 2013

Vampyrebeast: she's been a pain in our ass- calling us liars and being -the- bully herself. She earned it.

00:38 Feb 04 2013

Robin is a cheater. Point made, proven, and taken.

Robin aside, some people would be instigating if it was Robin, myself, or anyone else on the site.

01:21 Feb 04 2013

You all take this crap way too seriously, so people cheat, big whoop... it's points on a feckin site ffs... wtf is she gaining from it?... do you all have to bow when she enters or something?... idiots

16:00 Feb 04 2013

Sort of like you saying you don't block folks, or give 1's. You can stand there and say "I have never done it- the Admins lie. They are nothing but fucking power trippers" when we know you block, that it is your 'thing' on here.


Handing out insults to others based on those lies.

That is the point.

Morals, lack of them.

Being caught in so many lies as you play the victim.

Gets old.

16:03 Feb 04 2013

But you keep with the whole "idiots" theme, keep it all about a website Anti.

19:24 Feb 04 2013

The journal entry is about cheating the pointless points system is it not?

I've never bothered with her and feel no real compulsion to have any interest at all in what she does or says so can't say I've any knowledge of her lies or lack of morals but the power tripping admins point does raise a smile with me... how did that infinite suspension you placed on my account for the actions and at the behest of others work out for you?

~Thumbs Up & Big Grins~

Perhaps it's time to do something about those whom are actually breaking TOS instead of whining about who has more points than you on the board or who said what to who because personally I see far less integrity from those of you running around being overly dramatic and whining about the most insignificant points than I do from someone whom feels the need to lie about gaining pointless points on a website and looking like a fool for believing any of you are of any importance whilst acting in the manner you do.

Commanding personal respect or respect of the site rules whilst acting like village idiots full of their own self importance tends not to have the desired effect.

And as far as I can see from my previous experience with the majority of admin staff and site patrons whom feel the need to pucker up everytime one of you bends over the idiots 'theme' is more than well deserved by all accounts but thank you for your blessings with regards to that... I'll sleep better knowing I have it.

19:57 Feb 04 2013

The journal entry is about cheating the pointless points system is it not? See- you miss the point. The point is cheating, nothing to do with the numbers. Once you can wrap your mind around that- you can understand the point. But I will not wait for you to do that as it seems beyond your understanding. You are too hung up on the level and numbers, but like I said your own actions on the site shows us that is what you use.

I've never bothered with her and feel no real compulsion to have any interest at all in what she does or says so can't say I've any knowledge of her lies or lack of morals but the power tripping admins point does raise a smile with me... how did that infinite suspension you placed on my account for the actions and at the behest of others work out for you?

~Thumbs Up & Big Grins~

You say you have no knowledge of the member but yet you come in here and start with the “power tripping”. Power tripping is what the member called us when she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, breaking the site rules. Power tripping is what those who get caught just love to throw down.

Your own profile is made to do the so call ‘power tripping’ isn’t it? How does that bitching and moaning from members about your blocks and low rates affect you? Why are you even doing this? A study? You see power tripping because you do it yourself. Enjoy your own power tripping.

And yes- I still think you should be suspended. But hey- is that power tripping? No, it is my outlook on your profile being here to just cause trouble, which the rules of the site can lead to membership being suspended. It is known as a difference of opinion, which the only opinion that matters is the owner of the site.

Perhaps it's time to do something about those whom are actually breaking TOS instead of whining about who has more points than you on the board or who said what to who because personally I see far less integrity from those of you running around being overly dramatic and whining about the most insignificant points than I do from someone whom feels the need to lie about gaining pointless points on a website and looking like a fool for believing any of you are of any importance whilst acting in the manner you do.

You see less integrity then cheating the level with page refreshers? Then cheating the system the way it is set up? To make fake profiles that are against the rules? Gosh… you do remember this is a website, right? Rules here are just simple. Not like you have to wear red on Mondays, only post in the Coven pages after noon. Simple rules, the foundation of the site. And she broke them, knowing she is breaking the rules.

My own importance? Another view from your eyes with nothing to back it up. Old saying- What you see as a flaw in others is one you see in yourself. I see several just from your own words.

Commanding personal respect or respect of the site rules whilst acting like village idiots full of their own self importance tends not to have the desired effect.

This from a person who is known for his own powerplay, self importance acts. When enforcing the rules on members who cheat the system, which is what this journal was about, is no longer needed or wanted, please let us know.

And as far as I can see from my previous experience with the majority of admin staff and site patrons whom feel the need to pucker up everytime one of you bends over the idiots 'theme' is more than well deserved by all accounts but thank you for your blessings with regards to that... I'll sleep better knowing I have it.

And I welcome the words from you that show you for the type of person you are, what you bring to the site. And how you see any person who is in a Admin position. You are nothing new, on the site or in life.

13:33 Feb 05 2013

I see journal entries n comments about, n against vr and members all the time by regulars and most of the time they get applauded. A staff posts one too and is criticised about it. Contradictory much? Yes especially for the fact that i see people writing about their pride of freedom of speech all the time, but when a staff writes their opinion in that case it is 'power tripping' n 'taking the site too seriously', n accused of cyber bulying. Like being proud if using all the numbers on a rate n journal about it, because they want to prove a point, (a point which is old, pointless n we are all tired of it,) but if one expresses an opinion on that n they disagree, then in that case 'they are taking the site too seriously.' Vampirewitch39 did well by posting this entry. She can express her opinion and we can comment about it too, because we have that option. As well as, if someone dislikes an entry they are free to ignore it, like they are free to leave if they think that people 'take the site too seriously, admins are power trippers', and the points are 'pointless.'

14:17 Feb 05 2013

Thank you Death. You made some great points. Seems anytime a Admin says a word on this site it is all about power tripping, while anyone else it is fine. Even the ones we get reports about "So and So said this in their journal about me!" and we stand by the rules saying it is OK... let one of us do it and BAM!

We all know the games AntiChrist plays. He is nothing new, joins the line of the few members who have the whole "I hate anyone who tells me what to do, fuck the rules! Freadoms!"

Sort of like the person this journal was about. Funny how he has never posted in my journal till just now, isn't it?

Ohhhh.... am I power tripping again? Thinking this might be Robin on one of her many hidden profiles?

Who knows, I don't. Just saying it is odd he comes into this with his guns pulled, his whole "Admins are scum." about the same time she got caught.

AntiChrist made his name, his rep on the site. I am going to leave it at that.

19:46 Feb 05 2013

You hit the nail on the head by saying the magic word: reputation. You didn't even mention names on your original entry, yet people guessed, why? Because people get a reputation, and it is only them who make it bad or good. Admins won't take action without proves, they have featueres they can use, thus is useless to play the victim n call it 'power tripping.'

21:05 Feb 05 2013

Honestly why are you cutting her slack with a mark of shame? If she is still cheating the system then she should be suspended indefinitely. Otherwise in her mind she is going to keep thinking she can get away with it. And she has proved that she can do what she wants and is still here.

What type of message is that sending out to the community? You want into stop then you cut the snake head off and watch it fall. And you send a strong message to the rest of the community.

Taking away her honor, giving her the mark of shame ain't going to be enough this time. Take away the one thing she craves most in her life. Access to this site.

12:52 Feb 06 2013

That is Cancer's call, his alone.

As AntiChrist informed by his own words of me overstepping my 'power' - Cancer makes these calls.

09:28 Feb 07 2013

Reputation: and the way it can be twisted against you. I remember the first time I was called an ass-kisser just for saying I agree with an admin - when in reality I just understood the message. It wasn't hard to grasp.

As per Mr.Roman Numeral's comment - I think getting negative honour from Cancer was a slap to Robin BECAUSE she "cares so little" about things like her honour. We all know she cares very much, to the point where she obsesses over it and tries to daily draw the eye to her honour log, and the "sadness" and "unfairness" of it all in the attempt to milk sympathy out of people.

One of the things I have never understood about Antichrist is the fact that they claim not to care about numbers, figures and satistics concerning VR, yet Anti takes the time to block and mock anyone and everyone. If they really didn't give a shit, they wouldn't bother logging on. I mean... seriously.

People forget (when it is convenient for them) that Master Vampires and even Images still has to answer to Cancer at the end of the day. He has ways of working things out, and really, if you don't have faith in the admins, you may as well leave.

Nearly anything MV's do, he can undo. If he wanted to undo bans and suspensions, he would do it.

Which brings me to the second point on this:

If an admin really was "power tripping" - he wouldn't let it happen.

If you had a wesite, a beautiful creation like this, would you REALLY let your admins "power trip" without stripping them of their power - or more importantly - would you give someone any degree of power in your web creation without being absolutely SURE of the fact that they're not going to destroy your site?

I can't count the times I've asked VW something and she's said something like "Hang on, I'll check with Images".

So... yeah. It's not like the Master Vamps don't have doubts, and they don't act on whim unless they're sure.

13:00 Feb 07 2013

And Images gets messages most days, if not several a day, because I question what to do.

And yes- Cancer let's you know when you make a mistake. He is nice about it, never forgetting we are human and make mistakes. He just tells you to correct it, and why it should of never happen. If you think he doesn't watch his Admins actions you are nuts.

You learn to follow his views or you get removed. Anyone who has been here any time knows this, it has happen before.

19:31 Feb 07 2013

Yes indeed, I saw many things in my 8 years here:)

23:02 Feb 07 2013

lmfao... i've been accused of being Cancer before but never Robin lol

Your BS really knows no bounds does it? lol

15:45 Feb 12 2013

The way I see it? If ya dont like the way the site is run or the adnim who help run it,leave.


14:38 Feb 01 2013
Times Read: 1,474

I stayed up till midnight, enjoying the snow and the wind outside blowing. Went to bed and didn't even get to sleep before electric went out. Sis called about three minutes later to inform me her's was out too. Extra blankets was piled on Mom and brother, glad I filled my car up with gas if it was needed.

But we live in a small town, sure it would be back on soon. So back to bed for me to only be woken up almost two hours later by the alarm system folks. "Yeah- power is out. Testing mode is fine. Yes- I am saying to put the system on test till 8:00am" said half asleep. Asked what time it was- It was just after 2:00am. Funny how it took them that long to catch my alarm was on back up battery.

I was thinking that as I climb back into bed, thinking burn baby burn if it goes. Sleep claimed me again before I even got warmed back up under the blanket.

Power came back on- and funny as that is what woke me up for good. Time? 5:30 ish. So I just gave up on sleeping and watched the sunrise this morning. What a great way to bring Imbolc and meaning of it to life.


I love how the shadow of the candle holder on the curtain is shape like the goddess with her arms up. :D



15:40 Feb 01 2013

Nice pics.

19:06 Feb 01 2013

Very lovely :)

23:19 Feb 03 2013

So pretty! :)

00:04 Feb 04 2013

Ah, the sights I miss being in Tampa. I don't miss the cold but sometimes I really do miss the snow.

03:41 Feb 05 2013

I'm with him- th eone thing I missed the most living in Florida was the changing seasons. However, I find it keenly absaurd that YOU have had more snow than I HAVE.

07:26 Feb 06 2013

These pics are putting them on a xmas card.

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